Monday, February 23, 2009

Entry #24: Most Overrated Video Games Ever

This is actually an entry from another blog I have. I liked it, the fanboys however didn't really take a shine to it. So I post it here in it's original form.

Okay here's the deal, I have played many video games over the years and quite often I would come across a game everyone was talking about. And sometimes after playing the game I realized it really wasn't all that cool. Now I don't mean bad games, just overrated, and overrated is not bad. Well I take that back. I really can't stand the "undisputed king of overrated video games" (I put that is quotes but I am pretty sure I made it up) at all. So here we have it, and no I don't like "top (insert # here) lists" so I am just going to name them all, then put the most overrated on the bottom. And yes I fully expect to be chastised for many of my choices, so do your worst

Halo (Mainly 2 and 3)- Okay this is really a given I think, how could it not make someone's overrated games list? Now personally I like Halo: Combat Evolved, I played the shit out of that game. It had solid single player campaign, and multiplayer was fun too, only split screen at this point in time and also link cables no online. Then Halo 2 came out, and they didn't really give a shit about the single player and focused on multiplayer. But still everyone raved about it, same can be said Halo 3, played it at my friends house and not impressed. Yet Halo 3 received numerous 9/10 and 10/10 rankings.

Goldeneye- Yeah that's right I went there. There is nothing I really hate about this game. I played it split screen with friends as much as the next guy. I guess what I couldn't get over was that no one seemed to acknowledge the fact that Perfect Dark was the superior game. People just liked it so much cause it was Bond.

Gears of War-Both games, I don't own a 360 so I don't have much to say about these. Played them on a friends 360 and what you have is a basic third person action game, nothing really special at all. Games so highly praised yet so painfully average.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty-Again a game so highly praised but when I tried to play it, so disappointing. First they teased me with Snake, then made me play as Raiden who was lame at this point (he's a badass in MGS 4) Then I had to diffuse bombs and listen to a bunch of crap I didn't care about. Never though it was as good as all the ratings said it was. Couldn't even finish it.

Super Smash Brothers-The N64 version, you know the first one. Again not a bad game persay, a good game for its time, I loved Melee, and love Brawl by the way. I guess what puts this on the list is that there are people now who still consider this the best one in the series, and dislike Melee and Brawl. Guess what most of these people have in common, they are Kirby fags, and as we all know Kirby was super cheap in the original game. So when the cheapness of Kirby was diminished in subsequent releases the Kirby fags got angry. One of my friends is a Kirby fag and feels this way I bet some of you know one aswell.

Ico-Yes I know it's a work of art too. I tried to play the game, and after a few hours put it down, cause I was bored, I didn't know what to do. And seriously I know it's a puzzle game and it's not possible to die during the combat parts with the shadow things, but still make it a little more fun. The fighting parts were so tedious and took forever. All you have is a stick to beat things with. I would have been happy if they just took the fighting straight out of the game and made it pure puzzle. Before I get crap for not liking an artsy game, I absolutely loved Shadow of the Colossus, that game was fun and unlike Ico left me satisfied.

Okay without further ado, the "undisputed king of all overrated video games" this game is so overrated all the other games on my list absolutely pale in comparison. And yes I am ready to be flamed by the fanboys and possibly fan girls for this one.

FINAL FANTASY VII-Jesus H. Christ stop talking about this game, it's really nothing special. In fact compared to other Final Fantasy games it's about average. Yeah I know Sephiroth killed Aerith and all that and it had CGI cutscenes and it made you cry, but yeah still not anywhere close to the greatest video game ever which this considered by so many. You want a superior Final Fantasy game? Play the old school ones, especially IV and VI (II and III on the SNES). I like IV the best personally. And you want emotional with character deaths play VI by all means. That game will kill your characters if you are not careful, you got to save them or else they won't come back.

So there you have it, my list, and this blog entry took entirely too long to make so you guys better read it.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Entry #23: How is Phil Collins so good?

Seriously, Phil Collins is excellent, he has so many great songs. For those who don't know Phil Collins started as the drummer of the band Genesis, then after Peter Gabriel left (another very talented musical artist) Phil Collins took over the vocal duties for the band. As much as I love Phil Collins in Genesis, Phil Collins solo is what I really like him from. Aside from being incredibly talented, he has got one of the best and most unique voices. See for yourself...

So yeah why an entry about Phil Collins? Why not, he deserves it. His music brings me much joy when I hear it, gets me through hard days, like most recently Valentines Day. When your single, Phil Collins's music makes it all the more bearable. Funny side story, the place I work at, has a company radio station that plays music for the store, and Phil Collins's songs are played alot, it's great. So to finish off this entry, just how is Phil Collins so good? The world may never know.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entry #22 Gun Fever Subsided

Been a while hasn't it, to tell you the truth almost forgot about this little blog. So yeah, it's the new year, started another exciting semester at school. I guess one thing I should explain is that I went against entry #20 and instead of buying a gun, bought that PS3. Yeah I know, I was pretty fervent in my want for a handgun, but I decided I like video games more. I just had a little case of the gun fever, which has subsided but still I am on the hunt for a handgun, but I need to save up some more money before another really big purchase. I do have a certificate for a free one on one two hour handgun shooting lesson that I got for christmas, so I am looking forward to that. So anyways until next time...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Entry #21: Today I saw a bird...

On campus, at my college, it was sitting on the ground. Now I know, this might not seem like anything special, there are alot of birds at every college campus. This particular bird was your average black bird, but instead of flying or walking this one was sitting on the pavement under a tree. As I came upon it, it didn't fly away, but it did act in fear from my approach, it was injured obviously. Its wing, or its foot or both were broken. This bird was not going to be flying anymore, and would surely die. I stood away from it as students were walking by, maybe looking at it, and I was honestly thinking that I should walk up to that injured bird and break it's neck, killing it instantly of course. Not out of being cruel, quite the opposite really. I would have given the bird a quick death, not a long one of starvation.

But in the end, I chose to do nothing, and I walked on. Guess I figured the ending of the suffering a simple black bird wasn't going to be worth the stares and shocks I would have received from other students. They would have seen it as a cruelty, but would it not have been those who chose to let the bird suffer who were in fact the cruel ones?

But like I said before, I ultimately did nothing, I was as cruel as all the others who chose to do nothing. Perhaps next time, I will kill the injured bird...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Post # 20: Forget a PS3...

I have recently been thinking and decided that for about the same price, or just a little bit more actually, I could buy a hand gun instead for about 560 dollars. I already got one picked out a Jericho Baby Eagle 13 round .40 S&W caliber. I have always wanted to own a handgun, and even more want to get a concealed carry license. Because whats the point of having a handgun for protection if you can't carry it around? Now granted I don't live in a dangerous area but still, it just something I have always wanted to do. It's like a status thing, you know we have a right to bear arms in this country, now I'm not a redneck or anything but ordinary citizens owning guns is important. Why you ask? Because if we can't own guns how can we stop the government if they turn fascist, seriously.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Entry #19: The First Episode of SNL

It just wasn't funny at all, I sort of chuckled a few times, but most of it was painful. I know it was a salute to George Carlin, cause he was the first host, but he wasn't even that funny, which was surprising. Andy Kaufman showed up, he did probably the most unfunny thing in the whole painful 90 minutes, and some blond comedian I had never heard of pretended to be a school teacher. Suffice to say I am glad I put in on DVR so I could fast forward, through the unfunny parts, which sadly was most of the show.

The studio audience didn't even laugh that much, all in all it sucked really bad. Yeah I know it was made in 1975, and it was very first episode, but here is my point. People always talk about how the best SNL was with the original cast in the 1970's. I have seen some of those, and they really aren't that funny. The humor in SNL at that time didn't age too well, it's no Monty Python's Flying Circus. To me SNL was funny in the 80's and 90's, that's about it

But you know comedy and humor changes over the years, so its a tough call. But now I know why channels that run SNL reruns don't run the 70's SNL episodes, cause they really aren't that funny, at least by today's standards.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Entry # 18: Dear Blog it's been a while.

Yep it sure has, sort of forgotten about it, but then it all came back to me, card games are for the win, and yeah I had a blog called that. It's always about card games though, children's card games to be exact. But I do like to throw in a thing a two about duels or at the very least talk about the restructuring of ones deck.

But no big deal, I have been busy, working and such. Then this Thursday coming up, its 10 hour car ride to visit relatives. But I'm not complaining, gets me away from work at least. Not much has gone on since my last entry, just... well I can't really think of anything important that's gone on since my last entry. I guess I am playing different video games, but don't know if that's really worth mentioning.

No big deal, this entry was mainly just a little something to get me going again, perhaps for new rants and what not for the future.

Anyways, this is Tetsuo, signing off...

Well that didn't sound very good, oh well, perhaps it will grow on me, or maybe I should just drop it all together.