Saturday, April 26, 2008

Entry # 15: Back By Popular Demand...

Been a while, hasn't it? Well todays entry is about Metal Slug, recently I got the Metal Slug Collection for my PS2. Great games, classic ports of arcade side scrolling shooters. One of my favorite parts of the game is that when you pick up a weapon power up, a disembodied voice tells you what you picked up. So you here stuff like "HEAVY MACHINE GUN", "ROACKETLAUNCHER" and my favorite "SHOTGAUN". And you think to yourself, I didn't know shotgun had an 'A' in it. Apparently it does though. Those words just randomly come to mind in my day to day life. I could be walking around, and they just pop in there, damn you Metal Slug and your crazy weapon pronouncing.

One more thing about Metal Slug games, they are really hard. Luckily I put it on free play, so I have unlimited continues. I can't imagine spending money on playing those games in an arcade, just because of how easy it is to die.


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