Sunday, June 29, 2008

Entry #19: The First Episode of SNL

It just wasn't funny at all, I sort of chuckled a few times, but most of it was painful. I know it was a salute to George Carlin, cause he was the first host, but he wasn't even that funny, which was surprising. Andy Kaufman showed up, he did probably the most unfunny thing in the whole painful 90 minutes, and some blond comedian I had never heard of pretended to be a school teacher. Suffice to say I am glad I put in on DVR so I could fast forward, through the unfunny parts, which sadly was most of the show.

The studio audience didn't even laugh that much, all in all it sucked really bad. Yeah I know it was made in 1975, and it was very first episode, but here is my point. People always talk about how the best SNL was with the original cast in the 1970's. I have seen some of those, and they really aren't that funny. The humor in SNL at that time didn't age too well, it's no Monty Python's Flying Circus. To me SNL was funny in the 80's and 90's, that's about it

But you know comedy and humor changes over the years, so its a tough call. But now I know why channels that run SNL reruns don't run the 70's SNL episodes, cause they really aren't that funny, at least by today's standards.


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