Monday, February 23, 2009

Entry #24: Most Overrated Video Games Ever

This is actually an entry from another blog I have. I liked it, the fanboys however didn't really take a shine to it. So I post it here in it's original form.

Okay here's the deal, I have played many video games over the years and quite often I would come across a game everyone was talking about. And sometimes after playing the game I realized it really wasn't all that cool. Now I don't mean bad games, just overrated, and overrated is not bad. Well I take that back. I really can't stand the "undisputed king of overrated video games" (I put that is quotes but I am pretty sure I made it up) at all. So here we have it, and no I don't like "top (insert # here) lists" so I am just going to name them all, then put the most overrated on the bottom. And yes I fully expect to be chastised for many of my choices, so do your worst

Halo (Mainly 2 and 3)- Okay this is really a given I think, how could it not make someone's overrated games list? Now personally I like Halo: Combat Evolved, I played the shit out of that game. It had solid single player campaign, and multiplayer was fun too, only split screen at this point in time and also link cables no online. Then Halo 2 came out, and they didn't really give a shit about the single player and focused on multiplayer. But still everyone raved about it, same can be said Halo 3, played it at my friends house and not impressed. Yet Halo 3 received numerous 9/10 and 10/10 rankings.

Goldeneye- Yeah that's right I went there. There is nothing I really hate about this game. I played it split screen with friends as much as the next guy. I guess what I couldn't get over was that no one seemed to acknowledge the fact that Perfect Dark was the superior game. People just liked it so much cause it was Bond.

Gears of War-Both games, I don't own a 360 so I don't have much to say about these. Played them on a friends 360 and what you have is a basic third person action game, nothing really special at all. Games so highly praised yet so painfully average.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty-Again a game so highly praised but when I tried to play it, so disappointing. First they teased me with Snake, then made me play as Raiden who was lame at this point (he's a badass in MGS 4) Then I had to diffuse bombs and listen to a bunch of crap I didn't care about. Never though it was as good as all the ratings said it was. Couldn't even finish it.

Super Smash Brothers-The N64 version, you know the first one. Again not a bad game persay, a good game for its time, I loved Melee, and love Brawl by the way. I guess what puts this on the list is that there are people now who still consider this the best one in the series, and dislike Melee and Brawl. Guess what most of these people have in common, they are Kirby fags, and as we all know Kirby was super cheap in the original game. So when the cheapness of Kirby was diminished in subsequent releases the Kirby fags got angry. One of my friends is a Kirby fag and feels this way I bet some of you know one aswell.

Ico-Yes I know it's a work of art too. I tried to play the game, and after a few hours put it down, cause I was bored, I didn't know what to do. And seriously I know it's a puzzle game and it's not possible to die during the combat parts with the shadow things, but still make it a little more fun. The fighting parts were so tedious and took forever. All you have is a stick to beat things with. I would have been happy if they just took the fighting straight out of the game and made it pure puzzle. Before I get crap for not liking an artsy game, I absolutely loved Shadow of the Colossus, that game was fun and unlike Ico left me satisfied.

Okay without further ado, the "undisputed king of all overrated video games" this game is so overrated all the other games on my list absolutely pale in comparison. And yes I am ready to be flamed by the fanboys and possibly fan girls for this one.

FINAL FANTASY VII-Jesus H. Christ stop talking about this game, it's really nothing special. In fact compared to other Final Fantasy games it's about average. Yeah I know Sephiroth killed Aerith and all that and it had CGI cutscenes and it made you cry, but yeah still not anywhere close to the greatest video game ever which this considered by so many. You want a superior Final Fantasy game? Play the old school ones, especially IV and VI (II and III on the SNES). I like IV the best personally. And you want emotional with character deaths play VI by all means. That game will kill your characters if you are not careful, you got to save them or else they won't come back.

So there you have it, my list, and this blog entry took entirely too long to make so you guys better read it.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Entry #23: How is Phil Collins so good?

Seriously, Phil Collins is excellent, he has so many great songs. For those who don't know Phil Collins started as the drummer of the band Genesis, then after Peter Gabriel left (another very talented musical artist) Phil Collins took over the vocal duties for the band. As much as I love Phil Collins in Genesis, Phil Collins solo is what I really like him from. Aside from being incredibly talented, he has got one of the best and most unique voices. See for yourself...

So yeah why an entry about Phil Collins? Why not, he deserves it. His music brings me much joy when I hear it, gets me through hard days, like most recently Valentines Day. When your single, Phil Collins's music makes it all the more bearable. Funny side story, the place I work at, has a company radio station that plays music for the store, and Phil Collins's songs are played alot, it's great. So to finish off this entry, just how is Phil Collins so good? The world may never know.