Thursday, February 21, 2008

Entry #10: So I was sick today...

Yep, actually sick, didn't go to class and I even called in sick at work. I rarely do that, its almost unheard for me to do. But my head was bothering me, I felt dizzy if I stood up and walked around.

It was a rather boring day, I slept and I watched TV. I guess it was kind of nice to just chill for a day, and I did have time to watch some Fullmetal Alchemist and Cowboy Bebop on DVD. But still a boring day that just kind of felt like a waste.

Oh well, I should be back to normal by tomorrow.


At February 26, 2008 at 11:59 AM , Blogger emcy lee said...


You're no longer sick are you?

you know this is the only thing that I have, to keep in touch with you.. i dont miss you as much when I've got these blogs.


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